Monthly Archives: October 2013

Lunchtime LM Montgomery: Jane of Lantern Hill

My favorite children’s book is Anne of Green Gables, hand’s down. I can’t remember when I first read it or how I came to possess the book. Presumably my mother bought it for me — I don’t think my pocket money stretched to books when I was under ten. Perhaps she bought it for me […]

On Originality and Procrastination and Fall Reading

As I write this, I am wandering around my tiny apartment in my nightgown, wrapped inside a huge grey shawl, bedraggled hair tumbling down my back like some fallen lady in a Victorian storybook. It has been a morning of trying unsuccessfully to write my personal statement for MFA applications. I am feeling small and […]

Notes on ‘And The Mountains Echoed’ and ‘On The Noodle Road’

Well, friends (for so I choose to call you, despite a. not knowing if anyone reads my blog and b. not knowing who it is that reads my blog) I’m back from vacation and deep in the throes of post-travel blues. I think I managed to do quite decently by my reading list, finishing two […]